Sunday, July 29, 2012

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Had awarded Cao Chao's army to get out toward the Anhui away.
In the Chongzhen eight years in January, this year's Shenyang more than ever cold, snow on the ground has reached several feet deep, the sky is still floating in the blossoming snow, but colder, but a full heart, Dole back back to the ruins of the gold after the news, the army of sixty thousand full of people when starting, plus twenty thousand Han, one after another came back less than a million people, the Mukden every family in mourning, the whole New Year Shenyang quiet expect in each of the crying sound more terrible is full of people up and down this to the Ming dynasty robbery but also a rewarding experience, many families are now deprivation, if it can not get supplies, many people probably having a hard time this winter
Eight and Master Baylor has confirmed the death of four, there are two unaccounted for, Six Flags Flag main back Zhenglanqi Continued ... the amount of real Luo color Le, inlaid red Continued ... amount of true Ang Bang Zhang Jing Ye Chen is white flag Continued ... the amount of real Angbang Zhang Jing-Shan,nfl jersey wholesale, the white flag Continued ... amount of real the Mellor Zhang Jing Yi Erdeng four inlaid blue flag Continued ... amount really articles of ancient red flag Continued ... amount True the Mailer Zhang Jing Ye Keshu they also unaccounted for, after the gold is the most important think-tank Pham Van Cheng Chuangjun fried Shiguwucun full powers of the people all of a sudden became a huge vacuum, the most uneasy or do not know Taiji is dead or alive.
Three brothers, Dole's forces suddenly soared, just come back a few days, two Arab economic grid and many priests have been to the other minister, Baylor snooping lipped,mlb the, gold now after a difficult period, sweat and missing must elect a new sweat leadership full of people re strong and prosperous.
Many priests and other people lobbying to get the support of many of the Manchu minister Baylor, full of people there brother and younger brother of the traditional prop master, Ada Li, many people expressed clear support for the Dole.
This anxious those Han Minister, these Han Chinese Minister Taiji hand-picked, the purpose is to suppress each full Qingui, Taiji just Teng Khan, not only the four Baylor him on an equal footing, the following horses Taiji support to hold two flags, the de facto power not much larger than the flag the main.
Taiji in order to consolidate a bit of sweat, find an opportunity many times against the other three Baylor Minister Han's position, but also greatly enhance to to differentiation Manchurian people Qingui power, these Han minister is totally unfounded, there is today, the whole by Taiji reuse the Manchu Qingui their views have once Taiji, they most likely weight was reduced by the sweat of slaves Manchu Minister of slaves.
Huangtaiji really dead, but also easy to handle, they may regain the reuse of the new masters, if Taiji was still alive back legislation Dorgon for Khan, the two are bound to be vying for positions they Taiji had lean confidant Ganchen I am afraid to die without a burial.
Pham Van process is not, they Chiffaut, Bao Cheng-led joint and Master Baylor Yuetuo suppress amount Boo Tong Yang, Tan Thai Lang ball, Jierhalang, Dole was not immediately known Khan, the amount of Boo Tong Yang in full of people Gaowang Nurhachi had the words: Tong Yang is open Yuanren indigenous Kaiyuan Tong Jia, since the opening of the original resettlement Fushun, allegiance to the Later Jin, Li Han are the Blue Flag. Nurhachi to give his wife were female, grant third-class lieutenant. Post-gold destiny six years (1621), military g Shenyang

Thursday, July 26, 2012

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

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Monday, July 16, 2012

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Chaisang outside the city, the of Jingzhou military and Jiangdong Jun X-Fighters showing a very delicate situation - of Kuai more commanding Jingzhou military advantage by virtue of their numbers, abruptly Chaisang city and back to aid Zhou Yu Jun isolate. Kuai more I most of the military power of the pro-reunification check Zhou Yu, the other side of life led by Liu Pan elite the Changsha soldiers Jiangdong Jun aspect, Zhou Yu know Chaisang City defense forces is weak, but there is no effort Sipin Kuai newspaper. Side only the use of warships to bypass the block of Kuai newspaper, delivery of a number of soldiers stationed in Chaisang City reinforcement defense, the other side of the pro-leader in the horse and the Kuai more entangled. Zhou Yu's only one purpose - consumption depleted newspaper Kuai of forage.
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Sunday, July 8, 2012

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Friday, July 6, 2012

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